【英文本色】Even though 和 although 的分別
由淺入深,未說 even though 和 although 之前,先看看 although 和 though 的分別。
基本上,although 和 though 的意思是一樣的,而 though 就會比較口語化一點。看看以下兩句,意思完全一樣。Although we were not that close, he shared with me a lot of his secrets.Though we were not that close, he shared with me a lot of his secrets.兩者的最大分別,就是 though 可以放在句子的最尾,但 although 絕不可以。你同我講,Amy 好好人㗎,然後我就話,但係我唔鍾意佢喎。英文你可以話,I don't like her though,但千祈唔可以講 I don't like her although。至於 even though 和 although 的分別,其實是很微妙的。首先,一般情況下,兩者是可以互相通用的。Although we were not that close, he shared with me a lot of his secrets.Even though we were not that close, he shared with me a lot of his secrets.不過,如果我自己講或寫出嚟嘅話,我通常都會覺得,although 同 even though 其實係有兩個分別。第一個分別,用 although 嘅話,比較隨意,前面講「好」後面講「壞」又得,前面講壞後面講好亦得。舉個例,先是前好後壞:Although I am rich, I am sad.然後是前壞後好:Although I am poor, I am happy.但如果是 even though 的話,很少會是前壞後好的,通常都是前好後壞。Even though she worked really hard, she got fired. 前好後壞,呢句用 even though 冇問題。Even though she was lazy, she got promoted. 前壞後好,呢句用 even though 怪怪哋,用 although 會好啲。第二個分別,even though 和 although 都是在說明一個「雖然但是」的關係,但 even though 所說明的反差,通常是更加明確和巨大的。說得清楚一點,even though 那個明確的反差,是因為在前面建立了一個很大的「期望」。舉個例。法國足球隊上半場領先七比零,係人都估佢哋今場贏梗,點知最後竟然輸七比八畀英格蘭。Even though France was ahead by seven goals in the first half, they ended up losing to England.謝菲老師(魏徵)