
Samsung stoppe la vente de PC portables et Chromebooks en Europe | geeko

Samsung stoppe la vente de PC portables et Chromebooks en Europe | geeko
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Samsung stoppe la vente de PC portables et Chromebooks en Europe

Samsung a confirmé ce mardi une rumeur qui circulait depuis plusieurs mois sur Internet. Dès la fin de cette année, le géant coréen cessera de commercialiser ses PC portables et Chromebooks sur le sol européen, "s'adaptant" ainsi "à la demande des consommateurs".


Après Sony, c'est aujourd'hui au tour de Samsung de déposer les armes. Le géant coréen a annoncé l'arrêt à priori définitif des ventes de PC portables et Chromebooks en Europe. S'il continuera de vendre ses PC portables en Asie et aux Etats-Unis, le fabricant ne proposera plus aucun PC portable de sa gamme ATIV sur le vieux continent.

"Nous nous adoptons rapidement aux besoins des consommateurs et à la demande du marché", a indiqué un porte-parole de Samsung au site The Next Web. "Il s'agit d'une décision spécifique à un seul marché, et qui ne reflète donc pas l'état des autres marchés."

En crise depuis des années, le marché des PC portables a vu ses volumes dégringoler au fil des derniers mois suite au succès des tablettes tactiles et appareils hybrides (mi-tablette, mi-PC).

Le géant Sony, qui avait décidé de tirer un trait un peu plus tôt cette année sur sa gamme VAIO, a lui aussi annoncé une restructuration de ses activités autour des appareils tactiles, et plus précisément des smartphones et tablettes.

Pour le moment, Samsung n'a pas encore annoncé si ce changement de stratégie affectera ses effectifs.

Plus surprenant, l'abandon de la vente des Chromebooks témoigne d'un réel manque de confiance du géant coréen pour une gamme d'appareils low-cost qui avait pourtant connu un franc succès lors de ses débuts outre-Atlantique. Pas assez rentables aux yeux de Samsung visiblement, les ordinateurs portables low-cost de Google verront leur sort passer entre les mains d'Acer et d'HP sur le vieux continent.

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iPhone 6 五日炒� 初步死因研�

iPhone 6 五日炒燶 初步死因研訊 | 輔仁網


iPhone 6 五日炒燶 初步死因研訊

iphone 又一城



iPhone 6香港行貨在9月19日正式上市。在此之前,所有價格都是「有價無市」的泡沫,即是口買口賠的鳩噏,是完全沒有真實交易數據支持的。可惜,大部份人(尤其是師奶、阿叔、OL、中學生等新手)對此深信不疑。

在首日掛牌上午時段,iPhone 6金色16gb(下稱「細金16」)的確曾上試$9,500(↑70%)水平。雖然成交量極少,但是一眾炒家的期望價格卻是更加穩固,目標價進一步推高至$10,000(↑79%)。不少市民首日上午已經從速遞公司陸續收到於9月12日在Apple Online Store(下稱「AOS」)下單的貨品。下午時段,市況開始調整。環顧四大交易所(即先達、國金、希慎、又一城),細金16的最高價格已經跌至$8,500(↑52%)。在晚上收市後,許多「高登討論區」網民聲稱繼續持貨,待價而沽,豈料高位自此一去不復返。其實不論投機抑或投資,信自己往往好過信燈神鳩噏,大家必須切記。

股市 股票

返回正題。翌日大市再下試$8,000(↑43%)。周六晚市已經跌穿$8,000心理關口,收報$7,800(↑40%)。周日市況轉趨慘烈,最低跌至$7,000。(↑25%)。此一調整,隨即引發「震倉」。大量散戶眼見市場價與目標價的巨大落差,於是導致恐慌性拋售。先達甚至連續幾日出現大排長龍掟貨的怪現象,少則十個八個、多則二三十人。此情況在iPhone 6之前是絕無僅有的。收機佬眼見「港豬」蛇gwa,求其有得執幾舊就算,當然有恃無恐。四大交易所在此期間,大手吸納貨源,「出口術」策略宣告成功。

因此,新手戰戰兢兢、如坐針氈,加上胡亂掟貨,是iPhone 6炒燶的重要死因之一。

股市 股票

此外,不少市民受到網路和傳媒影響,挺而走險,拿着三幾部iPhone走到華強北遠望商城散貨。在以往iPhone推出初期,只有極少數持貨者在香港出售依然能夠圖利的情況下,選擇冒險往華強出發。華強北在iPhone 3gs至iPhone 5s年代,可謂充當了逃生門的角色。只有在香港無法圖利或只有微利的情況下,持貨者才會山長水遠走到遠望商城散貨。

這次iPhone 6推出後,竟然有大批市民帶着三幾部iPhone走到深圳。在開首一兩日,持貨在遠望賣出,的確能夠比香港圖利多出一至兩成。不過自從傳媒廣泛報道之後,大批散戶聞風而至,卻慘遭壓價。遠望商城抓住了散戶心態,一場去到無理由原隻帶返香港;而且掌握了香港的價格情況,導致不少人即使在遠望出貨,比起在香港售出的利潤高不了很多。

事實上,翻查歷史數據,iPhone 4s及iPhone 5分別在$7,150(↑40%)及$8,950(↑60%)摸頂,炒足2個多月才開始跌穿IPO。iPhone 6則在開售當日上午已經見頂,最高市場價格是$9,500(↑70%)。而64gb和128gb回收價竟然低於16gb,也是前所未見。我只能勸籲一眾老散,CUT單保平安。


股市 股票


17 Reasons Why Asian American Men (or Any Other Western Asian) Make The Best Boyfriends

1. They are modern day Renaissance men.

They can usually either sing, play an instrument and/or beatbox…

They are modern day Renaissance men.

and win all the dance competitions…

From tennis to basketball to golf, they are also very athletic in a wide-range of sports.

On top of that, they can usually speak/understand/write in [fill in complicated Asian language]

2. Passive? Weak? Think again!

They are raised by the most vicious, cut-throat people in the world- the old Asian woman.

Passive? Weak? Think again!

3. Being super famous or get-rich quick schemes also aren't their thing.

They just want or currently have a stable, high paying job.

Being super famous or get-rich quick schemes also aren't their thing.

4. Their stable career choices also make them practical for everyday things like:

Finding tax breaks

Their stable career choices also make them practical for everyday things like:

Solving IT issues

or nursing you back to health when you get sick

5. They are culinary masters and love to cook for fun.

You will never go hungry….

They are culinary masters and love to cook for fun.

6. Whether it's your photo, a group photo, or a photo of your meal, they also don't mind taking the same photo 100 times until you approve.

Whether it's your photo, a group photo, or a photo of your meal, they also don't mind taking the same photo 100 times until you approve.

7. They aren't commitment-phobic and date to marry.

They aren't commitment-phobic and date to marry.

8. Work/school/family/you come first— not their bros and getting drunk at the club.

17 Reasons Why Asian American Men (or Any Other Western Asian) Make The Best Boyfriends

9. They age impeccably and will look like the same hot guy you met 25 years later.

Guess who isn't Asian?

They age impeccably and will look like the same hot guy you met 25 years later.

10. You never need to worry about gross back, butt or chest hair.

Minimal body hair? Yes, please!!

You never need to worry about gross back, butt or chest hair.

11. They are usually the best-dressed guy in the room

and are always on top of haircut trends

17 Reasons Why Asian American Men (or Any Other Western Asian) Make The Best Boyfriends

12. They are amazing and selfless lovers.

and will work fives times harder to please you to defy any preconceived negative stereotype you had about them being bad in bed or having a small penis

They are amazing and selfless lovers.

13. They love finding deals and saving money— helping you to be more financially savvy in the process.

Groupon? Slickdeals? Cashback? SCORE!!!

They love finding deals and saving money-- helping you to be more financially savvy in the process.

14. They come from huge families— often caring and feeling responsible towards their loved ones— especially you.

This also means you will be assaulted with Costco amounts of Asian food anytime you visit his family.

They come from huge families-- often caring and feeling responsible towards their loved ones-- especially you.

15. Your potential offspring will always look cuter than any other baby.

Your potential offspring will always look cuter than any other baby.

16. They are ambitious yet humble.

Raises, promotions, interviews aren't broadcasted with #WINNING . That's what their Asian parents are for…

They are ambitious yet humble.

17. Most importantly, for all the reasons above— they make awesome husbands!

Sooo dreamy!

Most importantly, for all the reasons above-- they make awesome husbands!

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