
�果日�- �言、一刻�暇 - 古德明

蘋果日報- 傳言、一刻閑暇 - 古德明
傳言、一刻閑暇 - 古德明

問:讀英文報紙,見有人在三藩市埋藏現金,然後在互聯網提供線索,教人找尋。報紙說:Word yesterday was that the playful generosity is spreading south。那Word yesterday was that是不是應改為Yesterday's word revealed that?

答:這一句的word,指「消息」或「謠傳」,是不可數名詞(uncountable noun),例如:Word came yesterday that he was on the plane(昨天有傳言說,他是在飛機上)。(The) Word is that是常見句式,意思是「有未證實的消息說」,例如:Word / The word is that the president has a mistress(據說,總統有情婦)。這一句也可改寫如下:Word has it that the president has a mistress。

讀者示下那一句,意思是「昨天有消息說,那慷慨的遊戲,正向南伸展」。那word yesterday不宜改為yesterday's word。

問:某傢具店廣告上有A moment's leisure at your dining table...(坐在餐桌前的一刻閑暇……)這說法,那a moment's leisure看來似乎很古怪,改為a moment of leisure會不會好一點?

答:撇號(apostrophe)用在說時間的片語之後,表示「那段時間的」,十分常見,沒有什麼奇怪,例如:He retired after 30 years' service(他服務三十年之後,退休了)。A moment's leisure和30 years' service,說起來都很自然;改為a moment of leisure或30 years of service,不見得會好一點。

