
蘋果日報- 「拿拿臨」、香港之轉變 - 古德明

「拿拿臨」、香港之轉變 - 古德明

問:美國人說的on the double,可不可譯做「拿拿臨」?

答:On the double也作at the double,絕對不是美式英語。這成語本是行軍命令,即叫軍人加倍(double)步速向前走,和《孫子兵法》所謂「倍道兼行」同義。今天,on the double常引伸解作「盡快」或「匆忙」,等於香港人說的「拿拿臨」,例如:(1)The soldiers marched on the double(士兵兼程而行)。(2)Come on the double, otherwise he will die(你要盡快前來,否則他會沒命)。

問:以下一句,可以怎樣翻譯?句中「something signifies a pattern whereby+子句(clause)」這句式,有特定譯法嗎?──Hong Kong people are wondering if several recent trends and occurrences signify a pattern whereby their home is gradually becoming more like the mainland。


Whereby是by which或with which(藉以、以此辦法)的意思,用在主要子句(main clause)之後,帶出另一子句或「to+原形動詞(infinitive)」,例如:(1)What the poor need is education, whereby they may improve their lot(貧困者須有教育,以改善生活)。(2)He has a plan whereby to keep everyone happy(他有一個計劃,可保大家愉快)。

发自我的 iPad

