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谷歌高管:+1按钮日展示量达50亿次 - IT - 中金在线
手机免费访问 www.cnfol.com 2011年10月03日 17:20 新浪科技
新浪科技讯 北京时间10月3日下午消息,谷歌产品管理副总裁尼克·福克斯(Nick Fox)在博客中宣布,谷歌+1按钮目前在内容发布商网站上一天获得的展示总量已经超过50亿次。
梁咏琪西班牙感动完婚 婚后不隐退力赞丈夫
梁咏琪西班牙感动完婚 婚后不隐退力赞丈夫
http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年10月03日17:47 新浪娱乐微博
梁咏琪旧爱郑伊健生日 当天闪嫁西班牙男友
2011-10-03 11:12:43 21CN娱乐 | 我来说两句 (0)
梁咏琪10月1日在微博公布甜蜜合照,并秀出求婚钻戒:“我要结婚了。这是我人生最开心的时候……”她称赞Sergio 有爱心并充满正面能量。她透露两人热恋半年,靠视频维系感情,今年7月Sergio 在饭店用玫瑰花瓣造出“MarryMe(嫁给我)”,第二次求婚终于成功。
据悉Gigi和Sergio 婚礼只邀请了八十位亲友,由于两人都没有宗教信仰,一切从简,Gigi说:“会有一张很长的长枱,西式晚宴,大家高高兴兴吃一餐饭,当然亦会有行礼环节,婚礼后有派对。”Gigi还亲手做了一批婚礼场刊,封面印有她和丈夫的照片,非常温馨;一些姐妹如许茹芸等,都已经逐一到达,为好姐妹送上祝福。
责任编辑:NE010 (本文来源:21CN娱乐)
新浪娱乐讯 香港时间10月3日晚上八点多,Gigi梁咏琪(微博)与拍拖半年的西班牙籍男友Sergio,于西班牙伊比萨小岛举行浪漫而简单婚礼,开展人生另一阶段。二人在婚礼现场宣誓时感动落泪,梁咏琪也力赞新婚丈夫人非常好,同时她也表示婚后不会隐退,将继续演艺事业。
这次婚礼从订机票酒店以至场地安排,都由新郎Sergio负责,梁咏琪出嫁当日所穿的婚妙,也是Sergio在西班牙找来婚纱设计师为她度身订造。能够抱得美人归,虽然花近四百万港元打造梦想婚礼,Sergio一点不心痛, 人前人后都强调自己是世上最幸福的男人。
虽然在西班牙举行婚礼, 但梁咏琪也遵照中国人传统婚嫁礼仪,在大婚前的晚上,由妈妈替她进行“上头”仪式,当梁妈妈为女儿上头之时, 一边为梁咏琪祝福, 一边强忍开心的眼泪, 在场人士无不感动落泪。 婚礼中西合璧,梁咏琪也“入乡随俗”,依循新娘子要预备手表送给未来老公的西班牙婚嫁传统,买了一只价值九万港元的男装手表赠老公。
婚后梁咏琪会继续其演艺事业,她表示: “虽然嫁作人妇, 但我热爱我的工作, 所以会继续工作, 放送更多正能量。而且, 现在的工作已排至明年3月, 暂时不能停下来, 老公亦十分尊重和支持我的事业,当然我也会将家庭及事业好好安排, 好好做个事业型的好妻子, 哈哈!”
(责编: 柳星张)
发自我的 iPad
这次反华尔街示威活动已在美国纽约持续半个多月 并逐渐蔓延到波士顿、芝加哥和旧金山等城市
本报讯 从2011年9月7日开始,近千名美国民众在纽约金融中心华尔街举行大规模示威游行, 抗议美国政治的权钱交易、两党政治斗争以及社会不公正。
据新华社电 当天参加布鲁克林桥游行的示威者主要来自"占领华尔街运动"组织。当天下午3时30分左右,示威者从位于世界贸易中心遗址附近祖科蒂公园的营地出发,前往布鲁克林大桥。
本报讯 有分析人士指出,纽约的抗议活动与最近伦敦发生的骚乱不同,两处的参加者虽然都是年轻人,但纽约的示威者"素质较高",他们应该可以约束自己的行为,通过合法途径表达诉求。
本报讯 《华氏9·11》导演迈克尔·摩尔和女演员苏珊·萨兰登还到示威者阵营探访,以示声援。
有分析人士称,这场游行,反映了美国经济困境下加剧的经济、社会矛盾,更表明金融危机以来美国政府和监管当局推出经济、金融改革措施未孚众望。 (熙怡)
本报讯 时事评论员钱彤表示,华尔街是美国的金融心脏,是美国金融业的象征,也是这次奥巴马在金融救援计划中给予最大力扶持的。这次游行示威的活动,多数都是年轻人来参加,他们的目标主要是为了反对华尔街的这种金融腐败,反对大公司滥用金钱施加政治影响,同时也反对奥巴马向银行机构提供这种大规模的援助,因为这一部分会影响到他们个人生活。
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RTL.be : Rigueur à 10 milliards d'euros: autant que la France pourtant 6x plus peuplée
RTL info > Belgique > Politique
Rigueur à 10 milliards d'euros: autant que la France pourtant 6x plus peuplée

03 octobre 2011 08:56
"Oui la rigueur. Non l'austérité", tel est le slogan de Laurette Onkelinx, la vice-Première ministre qui a abordé le plan de rigueur (10 milliards d'euros à économiser) que les négociateurs s'apprêtent à réaliser pour l'année 2012.
"On a une épreuve incroyable devant nous" a commencé par dire Laurette Onkelinx, vice-Première ministre et l'une des principales actrices des négociations actuelles, à notre journaliste politique Fabrice Grosfilley, ce matin sur Bel RTL. L'épreuve, c'est le plan de rigueur destiné à économiser 10 milliards d'euros pour 2012, ceci afin de réduire le déficit, problème majeur dans notre pays, problème qui plonge tant de pays européens dans la tourmente. Pour franchir cette épreuve, une arme: LA RIGUEUR. Oui, on va vers une politique de rigueur. Et d'austérité ? "NON" répond immédiatement la ministre de la Santé. "Qu'est-ce que c'est l'austérité ? C'est une politique aveugle. Celle par exemple qu'on connait en Grande-Bretagne où en même temps on vous prend vos allocations familiales, on augmente le coût de l'école pour les enfants, où les logements sont plus chers, où tout est plus cher. Et c'est une politique sotte, aveugle, qui tue la croissance", a-t-elle justifié.
Effort presqu'équivalent à la France, pourtant beaucoup plus peuplée
Pas d'austérité mais la rigueur donc. Une rigueur à 10 milliards d'euros. "Est-ce que vous vous imaginez ce que c'est ? En France, grand plan de rigueur: 11 milliards d'euros alors qu'ils sont 65 millions et que leur richesse nationale, leur PIB est 5 fois et demi le nôtre", a comparé, inquiétante, Laurette Onkelinx.
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Why Tuesday’s Apple Event is One of the Most Important Ever
Ho-hum. Another iPhone. Tuesday's Apple event is going to be boooo-ring, right?
Well, not so fast. I think that from a milestone perspective, Tuesday's announcement may be among the most important Apple has ever made.
(You'll notice I said iPhone, singular, not iPhones, plural. I know this because as an Apple invitation Kremnologist, it's clear that the little 1 on the phone icon means Apple is launching only one phone. I think.)
The reason the event will be so important is that history judges such moments not so much by the product announced, but by the revolutions they start.
For example, when the iPod was first announced, it was just a cool new music player, Apple's entry in a crowded market. But that moment in history is now seen as a giant event, because it represented a change in direction for human culture. The iPod made possible iTunes, and the universe of electronic downloadable music as a replacement for the old CD model. The recent Facebook-as-a-media-center announcement, the cell-phone-as-an-entertainment-hub habit and much more can be traced directly back to Apple's announcement of the iPod.
When the iPhone was first announced, it was cool, to be sure. But the iPhone's importance once again is that it changed culture, opening the way for a transformation for how most people use a phone, for the app store concept as a mainstream way to get software and eventually a transformation in how all mainstream computers will be used. For example, the awesome new gestures, Launchpad and other features in Mac OS X Lion can be traced back to the 2007 iPhone announcement.
So from a milestone-that-leads-to-culture-changing technology perspective, Tuesday's announcement will be ginormous.
Of course, we don't know for sure what will be announced. But it's possible that Tuesday's event will usher in not one, but two, new eras in consumer technology.
The Social Tablet Era
Facebook on iPad. Big deal, right? I think it is. At post time, none of the major social networks has a native tablet app for any of the major tablets. We have never seen social networking optimized for touch tablets.
Rumor has it that Facebook will release its long-awaited iPad app Tuesday at the Apple event.
The lead engineer for Facebook's iPad app, Jeff Verkoeyen, says on his blog he worked 80 hours a week to get that app done months ago — that it was "feature complete" in May. (He's since left and moved to Google.)
Facebook or Apple or both have apparently been delaying the app for months for some reason. Now they're launching together, according to rumors. And Facebook's "Project Spartan" HTML5 development environment is also rumored to be on the menu.
Here's the thing. Apple agreeing to host Facebook's iPad app rollout makes absolutely zero sense unless one of following two things is planned: 1) Facebook will release a tablet version only on iPad and on no other tablets; or 2) Apple's iCloud content will be jacked into the Facebook matrix.
Of these two, the second one is far more likely. In the same way that Facebook's new services will enable the discovery, playing and sharing of music via Spotify and many other streaming music services, I think they'll also enable you to do the same thing with iTunes music, to be served up via iCloud.
Regardless, Facebook's iPad app will probably be incredible.
But app quality isn't what makes social networking on a tablet so compelling. Two years from now, I predict social networking will be the main thing people do with tablets — especially now that media consumption and gaming are becoming social networking activities. Social networking will be what drives the next massive wave of iPad and tablet purchases. Social networking will drive iPad sales to a whole new level.
There are two reasons why I say that. First, if you map "prime time" for iPad use and overlay it on "prime time" for social networking, they both occur at the same time: Evenings, breaks and weekends. And they both take place at the same locations: The couch, the dining room table and Starbucks.
The second reason is that both social networking and touch interfaces, the iPad being by far the most compelling example of today's touch experiences, tap into our homo sapien hardwiring for how we want to spend our time. People are designed to socialize with other humans, and also to explore the world with touch.
Nobody will be able to explain why using Facebook on an iPad will "feel" really, really good. But it will.
Right now, a Facebook app seems like a minor upgrade from just using the iPhone app or logging into Facebook via Safari on iPad. But this is like saying that building a digital camera into a cell phone is only a minor change from carrying both devices. But history shows that the cell phone camera changed how people live and interact. Social networking optimized for tablet computers will prove to have a similar culture-changing effect.
Anyway, the Social Tablet Era starts Tuesday, if the rumors are true.
The Artificial Intelligence Phone Era
While the main use for a tablet will become social networking, the main use for a cell phone will be interacting with our personal robot assistants.
Within three to five years, we'll talk to our phones, and our phones will talk back. Special software, either residing on the phone or off in some distant data center, will use artificial intelligence to gather reams of data about us, and our present circumstances and proactively suggest things to us.
When we want something, we'll just tell our phones to do it:
"Call Steve, and if he doesn't answer leave a message that I called."
"Where's the nearest good Chinese restaurant?"
"Postpone my three o'clock meeting for some time next week."
The software accessible from our phones will figure out what we meant, interact with our calendars, contacts databases, social networks, favorite e-commerce sites, booking services, and the people we know in order to do our bidding.
In the third example above, our phones will notify other people I'm meeting with, find out when they are available, confirm all attendees for the new time and then put it on my calendar — all without my involvement.
This Star Trek-like capability will become expected and commonplace. But we'll all trace it back to Tuesday, when Apple rolls out the Assistant.
In quintessential Apple style, the artificial intelligence agent that will appear in the next iOS release will be strictly feature limited to only the parts that work really well. The rest will come later.
Yes, Siri, the app upon which Apple's Assistant technology is based, which itself is based on a Pentagon artificial intelligence agent technology program, has been around for a while. So have other similar attempts.
But the Apple rollout will instantly mainstream personal artificial intelligence agent technology. And that's a huge milestone, the stuff of science fiction — until Tuesday. Similar Posts:
- Facebook Is Looking To Take On iMessage And BlackBerry Messaging With Free Universal Texting [Report]
- Facebook's iPad App Will Launch Next Week Alongside HTML5 App Store Project Spartan [Report]
- Could Google's New Social Network Lead To Apple Teaming Up With Facebook For iOS 6?
- Facebook Executive Says He's "Very Confident" They Can Work With Apple on Ping
- Why Facebook and Google+ are the iPad's 'Killer Apps'
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Day One is a Beautiful Journal App for Your Mac, iPad, and iPhone [Review]
Sometimes you just want to write something down. Some people would call this process "journaling," or even "keeping a diary." In reality, the whole concept of keeping a journal or diary is about recording memories and thoughts. It's therapeutic. It's comforting.
Day One by Bloom Built is a beautiful and simple app for journaling on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. The app balances features with simplicity to bring you an excellent environment for writing on a daily basis.
The best part of Day One is that it doesn't restrict you to a certain way of writing. If you want to use Day One as a daily journal, then by all means do so. If you want to use it as a place to write down certain memories and events as they happen, then that works, too.
On the Mac
Day One on the Mac is a writer's dream. The app is minimal and full-featured at the same time. You have five windows: New, Days, Calendar, Starred, and Reminders.
You're supposed to write in Day One, so the New window is displayed front and center when you open the app. Little prompts and thought-provoking sentiments are displayed above where you write that say things like, "Write the way you think," and "Your journal is a vital record." You'll occasionally get a prompt to write in a certain way or about a certain emotion, and you can choose to use that prompt as your guide if you so desire. A little thought to spark inspiration is always helpful.
The Days window gives you a glimpse at what you've written in the past. You can scroll through your entries and reminisce. The Calendar window gives you more of a general overview of your activity in Day One. Hover your mouse over a certain day to see a quick summary of your entry. Starring an entry will place it in the Starred window for quick reference.
The Reminders window introduces another cool thing about Day One: the menu bar app. Day One can also run in your Mac's menu bar to let you quickly add an entry. Setting a reminder will make the menu bar window automatically open at the top of your screen at a defined time during the day. That way you never forget to write. You can customize the frequency of Day One's reminders to your liking, or just turn the feature off altogether.
A keyboard shortcut can be set in the app's preferences to access the menu bar's quick entry field. You can also enable password protection to ensure that prying eyes don't get a peek at your secret thoughts. Entries can be exported as text files, and you can even write in Markdown. Search and tagging make finding old entires a breeze. The app takes advantage of Lion's full-screen mode to let your write without distractions.
Day One works with Dropbox to seamlessly sync your data between devices. That brings us to Day One's iPad app.
On the iPad
Day One on the iPad is a wonderful way to journal. The app takes many cues from its Mac counterpart, but the overall experience is simplified for iOS.
Typists that favor the iOS virtual keyboard may take to Day One on the iPad faster than the Mac version. The app is lightweight, but it still offers all of the features that you expect on the desktop.
Entries are indexed properly and you can quickly view starred posts. You can also email entires from within the app, which is a nice touch.
The app's preferences mainly include syncing with Dropbox, passcode lock enable/disable, and reminders. Day One will remind you on your iOS device about when you need to write, just like the Mac version.
Your font size can be customized and Markdown support can be toggled in the app's preferences. It's all really slick.
On the iPhone
Quick entires on Day One for iPhone are the name of the game, but that doesn't mean that you can't read the longer stuff that you already have saved. The iPhone app has a really cool feature that gives you daily usage reports on your Day One activity.
Creating new entries is a snappy experience — the app couldn't really be designed any better. I was continuously impressed with how well everything worked as I explored different parts of the app.
The app's preferences on the iPhone are exactly the same as the iPad version, passcode lock and all. There's even support for TextExpander snippets (another one of my favorite apps). When you combine Markdown with TextExpander support, you've got one powerful writing app.
Perhaps the best part about Day One is that your journal is constantly synced and updated as you write on your different devices. The developers are working on iCloud support at the moment, so expect that feature to go live soon. More features that are currently being worked on for iOS include: search, photo support, tags, and an export option.
Day One is a simple, powerful writing tool for your Apple devices. You can download Day One in the Mac App Store for $10. The app is available as a universal app for the iPhone and iPad for $2.
Archiving your thoughts and memories can be quite an enriching experience. Start writing with Day One and see for yourself.
Rating: ★★★★☆ Similar Posts:
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- Safari Gets Tabbed-Interface, Reminders Come To iOS 5 [WWDC 2011]
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