
蘋果日報-要死總有時候 - 古德明

On 13 July 1944, Maniagassa, a small Pacific island held by the Japanese, came under attack. A Japanese sodier was trapped in a trench with three others. He describes what happened."Suddenly we heard the voice of an American soldier: 'Come out.' I knew full well how dishonourable being taken prisoner was, and I had a grenade with me for committing suicide. I felt that my time to die had come, and looked at the other three for confirmation. That was when the sergant major piped up. 'I'll take responsibility. There's always a time to die. Let's go out.'"After we were captured, the sergeant major was sent to a different camp. I haven't had the opportunity to see him since then, but I want to thank him for his decision to be taken prisoner: he taught me the preciousness of life."一九四四年七月十三日,日軍扼守的太平洋小島馬尼阿加薩遇襲。四名日軍困在戰壕裏,其一談到當時的情況:「我們突然聽到一個美國軍人的聲音:『出來。』我深知被俘是非常可恥的,身上也有一枚手榴彈準備自殺。我想,犧牲的時候到了,就望望其他三人,只待他們同意。這時,軍士長忽然開口:『我來負責。要死總有時候。我們出去吧。』


