主動、原因 - 古德明

答:這位讀者顯然是因為英文有active voice,中文譯做「主動語態」,因此以為activity即「主動」。但activity其實是「活動」、「活躍」的意思,沒有「主動」含義,例如:(1)We took part in various activities after school(我們放學之後,參加各種活動)。(2)As the economy slowed, there was considerable reduction in activity in the industrial field(經濟轉弱,工業界業務大減)。
「主動做某事」,英文說法是to take the initiative in doing something。讀者示下那一句,就可翻譯如下:Though proficient in English, we hardly ever take the initiative and engage our foreign colleagues in conversation。
問:Reason一字,什麼時候作可數名詞(countable noun),什麼時候作不可數名詞?
答:Reason泛指「道理」或「原因」,是不可數名詞,例如:(1)He won't listen to reason(他不可理喻)。(2)There is reason to believe that he was not sincere and serious when he took the oath(我們有理由相信,他宣誓時不真誠,不莊重)。
Reason假如是指可以一一列舉的原因,則作可數名詞,例如:(1)There are reasons to believe that he was not sincere and serious when he took the oath。(2)I have several reasons for agreeing to participate in the anti-pollution campaign(我參加反污染運動,是有幾個原因的)。這兩句之後,都可用First、Second等字,帶出各個原因。
上一則: 中國工人的要脅 - 高慧然
下一則: 不能消失的東 - 楊靜