AMG雪地甩尾訓練 四日三夜即升呢
2011年03月24日甩尾( oversteer):轉向過多,車尾行得快過車頭,車尾先入彎,「通常」出現在一部以過高車速入彎的後輪驅動汽車身上,即所謂「聽到的意外」。
救車方法是反手 軚( countersteering/ opposite lock),再踩油,汽車就會依照前輪(注意,是前輪,並非車頭)的方向前進,駛離彎心。
留意車頭、前輪及彎的方向……反手 軚行駛中的 SLK 55 AMG,以非一般的角度甩住入彎,型到爆。如果依照教練的指示:加速……感覺到車尾行先……反手 軚……繼續踩油……保持 軚環角度及油門力度……
出彎……慢慢收油回直 軚……嘩,講就易,實際行動,非要專注專注再專注不可。不過,當你甩到第一次,想再甩,確實較有把握。在雪櫃內駕駛
瑞典 Arjeplog,離北極圈不遠。由到達 Arvidsjaur機場的一刻,一陣又一陣的寒氣由衣領、衫袖、褲腳入侵(高估了自己的抵冷能力,所有禦寒裝備全數寄艙),幸好接駁巴士上有暖氣。
一月尾的 Arjeplog溫度維持在攝氏零下十五、十六度左右,「 iPhone天氣」曾錄得零下十七度,比屋企雪櫃冰格還要凍。所以眼見手摸腳踏的每一寸地方,無論是靜是動,都厚厚薄薄地結了一層霜雪;在戶外來回飛奔的 AMG平治汽車,只有近死氣喉的位置沒有結霜!
至於駕駛者(總共有三十個學員,除了五個香港傳媒加一個香港平治的要員外,其餘廿四個學員來自世界各地,美國德國新加坡,不一定是 AMG車主,不過就一定熱愛駕駛),什麼天蠶底衫、防水防風外套、雪褸雪褲雪鞋,法寶盡出。
出奇地,在駕駛訓練期間,坐在駕駛席(只開了少少暖氣及暖椅),做着一連串「踩油、扭 軚、反手 軚、踩 brake……」動作(在短時間內重複又重複,比正常駕駛忙上百倍),手心、額頭、後頸、背脊,甚至大髀,全都開始冒汗……
要控制一部「失控的汽車」,原來不是一件易事,加上每部「失控的汽車」,都是平治車系中的猛獸級型號── C63 AMG、 E63 AMG,以及 SLK55 AMG!瑞典 Arvidsjaur機場(好細好細,細得在德航網頁內亦找不到),正是「冰格之行」第一站。地面既跣且滑,步步為營。
大會安排 G 55 AMG、 ML 63 AMG,以及 Unimog在場 stand by,方便將因為失控而撞入雪堆中的學員車拖回賽道。「一般棘手」的,只會用到 G或 ML,遇上「好棘」的,就要出動巨無霸 Unimog,慶幸自己亦只是用過一次 G 55。
AMG在 Arjeplog有自己的小酒店── AMG Lodge,全木造,有三十一間房,有 spa有 sauna有 jacuzzi有 gym,每日「甩完甩飽」就會回酒店休息休息,待至晚飯時段再聚在餐廳吹吹水,玩玩分組比賽。值得一讚是房間夠大夠暖,膳食有水準,配搭的紅白酒亦講究。
四日三夜的駕駛訓練算得上相當密集,約下午三點(不過四點開始天黑)到埗,隨即有三個鐘的「熱身」。全團三十個學員,十人一組(當中有非駕駛形式的分組比賽),兩個人一部車,每組由一位「 AMG教練」(專業試車員或賽車手,個個身手不凡,神乎奇技)帶領,每次由「車房」出發去冰湖訓練場,十八部 AMG浩浩蕩蕩「拉住龍」""只可惜, Arjeplog一帶的「人氣」實在少得可憐,幾架勢幾威都無人知。其餘兩日的甩尾訓練,朝八晚四,再加晚飯前或後的分組比賽,早過又忙過返工。
冰湖訓練場(面積恐怕接近一個維港)分為幾個區域(以不同著名賽道命名,純玩噱頭),每區相隔頗遠,遠得就算不小心以 200km/h飛出賽道,區與區之間的雪堆,亦足以安全地將車停下來,所以大家玩得特別放(車撞車則另計)。
一句到尾,在幾近「零危險」的環境下,揸不同型號 AMG去不同賽道,做出近乎「瘋狂駕駛」的行為,甩足兩日半,嚴格來說""不夠喉!
人總是貪心,熱愛駕駛的人可以肆無忌憚地飛車,而且是「駕駛 AMG好型地甩」,玩足一個星期亦未嫌多!
今次駕駛的三款車之中,一致認為 C 63 AMG最好玩, size適中, 457匹強勁馬力(好易推甩車尾),在雪地上的動態夠平衡,易於掌握。
「 0800出發」!無他,接近北極圈,日短夜長,想盡量爭取甩尾時間,
唯有前一晚早點上床。連續兩朝 0800拉大隊出發,諗番都令人回味。
「出軌」的學員車有時會(應該是經常會)撞入厚厚的雪堆中,任你跟同車拍檔甚至同組學員出盡食早餐午餐之力都無法子將車救出, sorry, G-Class、 ML-Class,或 Unimog就會出馬,每幫一次,學員就會得到一個 crashpoint(即是扣分); crashpoint會影響個人出線最終決賽及分組比賽的分數,所以,大家要好好合作。
AMG成立於一九六七年,專門開發及生產平治專用賽車零件(包括落場車及引擎)。 AMG中的「 A」及「 M」代表創辦人 Hans Werner Aufrecht及 Erhard Melcher的姓氏,「 G」則代表 Aufrecht的出生地 Gro aspach。 AMG於○五年被平治全面收購後,正式成為車廠旗下的高性能型號及賽車部門。
○七年開始, AMG每年舉辦駕駛訓練課程,由專業試車員或賽車手出任教練,課程分五級: EMOTION、 BASIC、 ADVANCED、 PRO及 MASTERS(「壹號幹線」參加的冬季駕駛課程就屬於 ADVANCED級別)。除了 EMOTION屬「遊車河」性質(例如參觀 AMG總部或超級跑車 SLS AMG生產線),其餘四項課程均屬實戰形式的訓練班。(撰文:莊達民)
●查詢:平治香港 2594 8800
●網址: http://www.mercedes-amg.com/driving-academy![]()
費用:€ 370至€ 1,890(約 HK$4,000至 HK$20,500,不包括香港至德國機票)
內容: EMOTION Tour其實並非訓練課程,而是傾向玩樂性質的駕駛體驗團。內容除了參觀 AMG總部,教練亦會陪同學員駕駛 AMG平治進行「自選活動」,包括參觀 SLS AMG生產線、於酒莊品嘗葡萄酒、跟米芝蓮星級名廚上烹飪班、跟職業球手學打 Golf、於「包廂」現場睇德國房車賽( DTM)等。
日期:二○一一年三月至十月(因應不同自選活動而定)BASIC Training
費用:€ 1,190(約 HK$12,900,不包括香港至德國機票)
內容:在德國 Boxberg或 Sachsenring賽車場,學習高性能車基本駕駛技術(包括「扭雪糕筒」、快速轉線、緊急煞車等);兩日一夜。
日期:二○一一年六月、九月或十月Winter Sporting ADVANCED
費用:€ 3,740(約 HK$40,500,不包括香港至德國機票)
內容:由德國轉機前往瑞典 Arjeplog冰湖訓練場(可選擇於法蘭克福、慕尼黑、史圖加特或漢諾威上機),接受雪地駕駛訓練;四日三夜。
日期:二○一二年一月PRO Training
費用:€ 4,980至€ 6,280(約 HK$54,000至 HK$68,000,不包括香港至德國機票)
內容:駕駛自選 AMG平治(最平 C 63 AMG,最貴 SLS AMG)進行系統化賽道訓練,當中包括兩節「自由行」( free driving)及即場錄影以作分析;三日兩夜。
日期:二○一二年五月或十月SLS AMG GT3 Experience
乘搭由車手駕駛的 SLS AMG GT3快跑一轉,超爽!
費用:€ 1,500(約 HK$16,300,不包括香港至德國機票)
內容: MASTERS系列課程中的「體驗團」,在教練陪同下駕駛 SLS AMG「街車」,學習基本賽車技術,然後「試坐」由車手駕駛的 SLS AMG GT3在賽道上快跑( taxi ride);一天課程。
如果你駕駛的是前輪帶動汽車、以過高車速殺入彎,所出現的失誤是為「推頭」( understeer,
攝影:劉定邦. AMG
鳴謝: Columbia提供全套禦寒裝備
壹週刊 - 1098 - 壹號幹線 AMG雪地甩尾訓練 四日三夜即升呢
由Kim Wolfkill
中途经过漫长的,大雨倾盆曲线,鹿持久性有机污染物走出困境,让你选择,很少很少的时间作出反应。 想都没想你这个混蛋轮向左,然后右击,希望最好的结果。 在大多数情况下,即使在有经验的司机手中,汽车偏离道路,进入树林之前,你意识到发生了什么事。 你已经把你的生命处于危险之中,鹿洛佩斯了。
“想想稳定作为一种无形的副驾驶直觉谁知道什么时候你已经失去了控制你的车,然后来到你的帮助控制,”弗雷德说奔驰海勒当人们问起他公司的电子稳定程序(ESP)的谈话。 作为标准或选装设备可在许多新的高档车,与名字一样StabiliTrak稳定控制系统,动态稳定控制系统,稳定管理系统,及车辆防滑控制,是车辆安全的最新进展。
那么,如何稳定控制从目前市场上的牵引力控制系统有什么不同? 从本质上讲,在车辆的驱动车轮牵引力控制系统行为,防止不必要的车轮在加速旋转。 虽然这在诸如雪或雨低牵引力的情况下帮助,牵引力控制系统的能力,协助在极端紧急的情况下是有限的。 一个稳定控制系统,另一方面,更进一步通过实际检测时,司机已经失去了某种程度的控制。 然后,它会自动稳定车辆,帮助驾驶员重新获得控制权。
“它”这个方案是一个复杂的传感器和微处理器的系统,持续监控的车辆不稳定的迹象。 一旦检测到(通常以幻灯片或刹车的形式)时,系统自动应用选择性制动,从而稳定车辆的具体车轮。 这种分裂,第二次是经常发生的这么快的,甚至超过前司机意识到他们有失去控制的危险。
所有这些系统的核心是一个核心处理器,需要从多个传感器的信息,然后确定汽车是否在稳定或不稳定的状态。 相结合,ABS传感器(轮速)的数据,转向角传感器,偏航传感器(测量汽车fishtails的金额,或绕其垂直轴旋转中心)和侧向力传感器(测量横向G力产生量由汽车),中央处理单元实际上可以检测车辆时,在某种程度上违背司机打算如何做人。
如果处理器没有通过检测,如突然转弯制作幻灯片的不稳定,它会自动适用于光制动压力,专责轮(或车轮),以维持或恢复控制。 在诸如宝马动态稳定控制系统三和保时捷稳定管理系统的一些系统,发动机扭矩也自动降低以帮助稳定进程。
幻灯片的最常见的类型被称为不足和转向过度。 在一个不足的情况下,车前犁不按本回合曲线朝外面转一转。 当稳定控制系统检测不足的问题,它适用于光制动压力,后轮内(见第一图,上面)。 这有助于“拔河”的车前行到预定回来。
在转向过度的情况下,汽车后部fishtails朝外面转一转,增加了一个旋转的机会。 为了对付这种情况,适用于制动系统的稳定对外界前轮,使之符合后端背面(见第二图,上面)。
在大多数汽车,仪表盘上的警示灯亮起时,系统在运转。 在雷克萨斯汽车防滑控制系统的情况下,一个微妙的音频信号也声音。
就像它之前的系统安全,稳定控制的目的是加强人力投入的时候,是有效控制车辆的能力。 在大多数情况下,危急情况是人为错误导致首位驾驶条件的,注意力不集中,判断错误或在紧急情况下迅速简直太恐慌。
事实上,自引入的ABS地位将有一个安全的驾驶安全这样高的水平。 当与使用ABS和牵引力控制系统,稳定性显着提高控制系统有潜在危险的情况下恢复一个司机的机会。
但无论多么先进的安全援助,从来没有忘记,车辆及其住户的最终命运掌握在司机手中仍然存在。 没有安全系统都可以用预计无条件保护。 因此,尽管稳定控制系统提供了驱动程序的最新发电量增加,从自己和意想不到的保护,他们无法克服贫困判决或物理定律。
Taking Safety to the Next Level
by Kim Wolfkill
A new generation of stability control systems helps drivers maintain command of their vehicles even before they realize they've lost it.
In an understeer situation ("plowing"), the stability system gently brakes the inside rear wheel to help the front end follow the path of the curve.
In an oversteer situation ("fishtailing"), the stability system gently brakes the outside front wheel to bring the rear end back in line with the driver’s intended path.
Halfway through a long, rain-soaked curve, a deer pops out of the woods, leaving you very few options and little time to react. Without thinking you jerk the wheel to the left, then right, hoping for the best. In most cases, even in the hands of an experienced driver, the car is off the road and into the woods before you realize what has happened. You've put your life at risk and the deer lopes away.
It's a scenario on which automakers have focused a lot of attention over the past few years, and the resulting solutions—built on and integrating key features of anti-lock-brake systems (ABS) and traction control technologies—now have made it to market.
Introducing Stability Control
"Think of stability control as an invisible copilot who intuitively knows when you've lost control of your car, and then comes to your aid," says Fred Heiler of Mercedes-Benz when talking about his company's Electronic Stability Program (ESP). Available as standard or optional equipment on many new high-end cars, stability control systems with names like StabiliTrak, Dynamic Stability Control, Stability Management, and Vehicle Skid Control are the latest advancement in vehicle safety.
So how does stability control differ from the traction control systems currently on the market? Essentially, traction control acts on a vehicle's drive wheels to prevent unwanted wheel spin under acceleration. While this helps in low-traction situations such as snow or rain, traction control's ability to assist in more extreme emergency situations is limited. A stability control system, on the other hand, goes one step further by actually detecting when a driver has lost some degree of control. It then automatically stabilizes the vehicle to help the driver regain control.
The "it" of this scenario is a complex system of sensors and microprocessors that continually monitors the vehicle for any signs of instability. Once detected (usually in the form of a slide or skid), the system automatically applies selective braking to specific wheels thereby stabilizing the vehicle. This split-second intervention often happens so quickly it's over before drivers even realize they were in danger of losing control.
Cadillac's manager of vehicle performance, Scott Badnoch, told Microsoft CarPoint, "These systems are designed to deliver transparent intervention the moment the situation becomes unstable. By gently stabilizing the car at the critical moment, control is returned to the driver with minimal fuss and alarm."
What Makes it Tick?
All the enhanced stability systems currently being marketed by manufacturers such as BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz approach vehicle stability in similar ways.
The heart of all these systems is a central processor that takes information from a number of sensors, and then determines whether the car is in a stable or unstable state. By combining the data from ABS sensors (for wheel speed), steering angle sensors, yaw sensors (measuring the amount a car fishtails, or rotates around its vertical center axis), and lateral force sensors (measuring the amount of sideways g-force generated by the car), the central processing unit can actually detect when a vehicle is behaving in a way contrary to how the driver intends.
If the processor does detect instability such as a slide produced by a sudden swerve, it automatically applies light brake pressure to a select wheel (or wheels) to maintain or restore control. On some systems such as the BMW Dynamic Stability Control III and the Porsche Stability Management system, engine torque is also automatically decreased to aid in the stabilizing process.
The Stability System at Work
The most common types of slides are referred to as understeer and oversteer. In an understeer situation, the front of the car plows toward the outside of a turn without following the curve of the turn. When the stability control system detects understeer, it applies light brake pressure to the inside rear wheel (see first illustration, above). This helps "tug" the front of the car back onto the intended line.
In an oversteer situation, the rear of the car fishtails toward the outside of a turn, increasing the chance of a spin. To counteract such a situation, the stability system applies braking to the outside front wheel, bringing the rear end back in line (see second illustration, above).
On most vehicles, a warning light on the dashboard illuminates when the system is operating. In the case of the Lexus Vehicle Skid Control system, a subtle audio signal also sounds .
When Does it Help?
Like the safety systems that preceded it, stability control is designed to step in when human input is incapable of effectively controlling the vehicle. In most cases, critical situations are the result of human error in the first place—driving too quickly for conditions, inattention, misjudgment or simply panicking in an emergency situation.
In these situations, everyone can benefit from a safety system that occasionally helps regain vehicle stability, while never taking full control out of the driver's hands.
As Scott Badnoch of Cadillac is quick to point out, "The StabiliTrak system on the Cadillac is designed to improve a driver's ability to avoid accidents, but not intrude on the overall driving experience."
Not since the introduction of ABS has a safety advancement added such a high level of driving security. When used with ABS and traction control, stability control systems significantly increase a driver's chances of recovering from potentially dangerous situations.
But no matter how advanced the safety aid, never forget that the ultimate fate of a vehicle and its occupants remains in the hands of the driver. No safety system should ever be expected to protect unconditionally. So while the latest generation of stability control systems offer drivers increased protection from both themselves and the unexpected, they can never overcome poor judgement or the laws of physics.