
�果日�- 句子�了? - 古德明

蘋果日報- 句子錯了? - 古德明
句子錯了? - 古德明

問:Looking at the incident, there is room for improvement(審視這件事,還有可以改善的地方)這一句,there is room之前是不是應加I think之類字眼?

答:這位讀者認為原句不妥,當然是因為looking at the incident這分詞子句(participle clause)沒有主詞(subject),而一般分詞子句都以主要子句(main clause)的主詞作主詞,例如:Living on a small pension, he had to be thrifty(他靠微薄的退休金過活,必須節儉)。這一句,he就是living on a small pension的主詞。

不過,主要子句假如以there或it作虛義主詞(empty subject),分詞子句往往就有問題,其主詞只能意會,和主要子句的主詞不同,例如:(1)Looking around, it was easy to see that the house had been searched(四處一望,房子明顯曾被搜查)。(2)Tired and shaken, there was nothing for them to do but submit to the enemy(他們又倦又驚,只能向敵人投降)。這樣的句子,文法嚴格而言不正確,但讀起來似乎也很自然,或不視為錯誤寫法。

此外,分詞子句假如以following(隨後)、regarding(關於)等字起首,或以considering(考慮到)、generally / strictly speaking(一般/嚴格而言)、judging from(據此推斷)等字表示說話者意見,那麼,就不必以主要子句的主詞作主詞,例如:(1)Following the typhoon, we had good weather(颱風過後,天氣很好)。(2)Considering that he is over 90, he is unusally quick in his movements(以九十多歲人來說,他舉止非常敏捷)。


