
問:讀報見到以下一句,其中the powers that be是什麼文法結構?──An invisible force seems to be manipulating these developments so as to carry out the will of the powers that be(一股無形力量,似在控制事情發展,以實現當局意旨)。
答:The powers that be可視作名詞子句(noun clause),作名詞用,指「當局」或「掌權者」,時帶諷刺含義。這成語出自《聖經.羅馬書》第十三章:The powers that be are ordained by God(掌權者,都是上帝委任)。有《聖經》英譯本用the authorities取代the powers that be:兩個說法意思差不多,例如:The chief executive is fearful of incurring the displeasure of the powers that be / the authorities in Peking(行政長官唯恐招北京當局大人先生的不滿)。
問:以下一句,biting應不應改為bite?──A Filipino domestic helper pleaded guilty to biting her employer's baby(一菲律賓籍女傭承認犯了咬雇主嬰兒之罪)。
答:Plead guilty to / plead not guilty to(承認犯了/不承認犯了……罪)的那個to,不是用來帶出原形動詞(infinitive)的to,而是介系詞(preposition),所以其後須用名詞或動名詞(gerund),例如:(1)He pleaded not guilty to the charge of arson(他不承認被控的縱火罪)。(2)He pleaded guilty to participating in the conspiracy to murder the queen(他承認了合謀殺害女王之罪)。