
蘋果日報- 落難國王 - 古德明

蘋果日報- 落難國王 - 古德明

落難國王 - 古德明

At the Battle of Poitiers, 1356, the English, fighting against heavy odds, defeated the French. King John of France fought on foot, battle-axe in hand. By his side was his son, a boy of sixteen, who, keeping his eyes constantly on his father, and neglecting all thoughts of himself, cried out, as he saw any blow about to be struck, "Father, guard yourself on the right; guard yourself on the left," etc.

A French knight attached to the English army at last forced his way towards the wounded king and said, "Sir, yield yourself." The king asked, "Who are you?" "Sir, I am a knight of Artois,* but I serve the king of England because I was banished from France." Then the king said, "I yield myself to you."

John never regained his liberty. He died in London.





