
蘋果日報- 未去過海洋公園 - 古德明

蘋果日報- 未去過海洋公園 - 古德明
未去過海洋公園 - 古德明

問:以下一句,那個選擇正確?──I will go to Ocean Park where / which I have never gone(我會去海洋公園,我從未去過那裏)。

答:這一句應寫作I will go to Ocean Park, where I have never been / which I have never been to。留意to have gone to a place是「去了某地」,to have been to a place則是「去過某地」,例如:(1)Has he gone to the pub?(他是不是去了酒家?)(2)Has he been to the pub today?(他今天有沒有去過酒家?)

此外,where等於in / at / to which,例如:This is the house where / in which he once lived(他曾在這棟房子居住)。有時,你會看到I will go to Ocean Park, where I have never been(to)或Where are you going(to)?(你要去那裏?)這樣的句子,兩句的(to)字其實都是多餘的。

又讀者示下那一句的where或which之前,應加逗點,因為海洋公園是大家都知道的地方,不必用界定子句(defining clause)說明。當然,以下一句,a place是指什麼地方,誰都不知道,必須用界定子句說明,所以,where或which之前,不應加逗點:I will go to a place where I have never been / which I have never been to(我會去我從未去過的地方)。


发自我的 iPad

