
蘋果日報- 同路人 - 古德明

蘋果日報- 同路人 - 古德明

同路人 - 古德明

One night in the late 19th century, an African American was walking along Forty-second Street in New York, from the bus terminal to the hotel, carrying a heavy suitcase and a heavier valise. Suddenly a hand took hold of the valise and a pleasant voice said, "Pretty heavy, brother! Suppose you let me take one. I am going your way."

The African American resisted, but finally allowed the young white man to assist him in carrying his burden, and for several blocks they walked along, chatting like old cronies.

And that, said Booker Washington years later, when he had become a dominant leader in the African-American community, was the first time he had ever seen Theodore Roosevelt, who in 1901 became the 26th president of the United States.




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下一則: 中中妖孽生人勿近 - 陳也


