美國奇聞 - 古德明

In 1923, to support workers' free speech rights, Upton Sinclair, the well-known US novelist, spoke at a rally during the San Pedro Maritime Strike, which had idled about 90 ships in Los Angeles Harbour. When Sinclair began to speak, a police captain shouted to him, "I'm taking you in if you utter a word." "My right to speak is protected by the US constitution," Sinclair replied. He had just read part of the First Amendment -- the part about freedom of speech and the right of "the people peaceably to assemble" -- the police captain grabbed him by the collar and arrested him, saying, "We'll have none of that constitution stuff!"
Sinclair was not allowed to consult an attorney, and was not released from jail until two days later.*
上一則: 碧咸,真叫人失望 - 高慧然
下一則: 「叻!我至叻!」 - 尊子