
選舉的故事 - 古德明 | 2017-03-05 | | 蘋果日報

選舉的故事 - 古德明 | 2017-03-05 | | 蘋果日報

選舉的故事 - 古德明

Thaddeus Stevens, a 19th-century American politician, once going into the room of the Committee on Elections, found a hearing going on. He asked one of his Republican colleagues what was the point in the case. "There isn't much point to it," was the answer. "They are both damned scoundrels." "Well," said Stevens, "I want to go for the Republican damned scoundrel."
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To the revilings of a local Conservative, a Liberal candidate for a parliamentary seat in Surrey replied, "The gentleman taunts me with not having been born in this district as he was. My only excuse is that I am a Surrey man from choice, while he is one by necessity. I came into this district with my pants on, while the gentleman came into it with his off."
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