
�果日�- 大��� - 古德明

蘋果日報- 大砲決鬥 - 古德明

大砲決鬥 - 古德明

One day during the Crimean War (1853-56), the British received a message from the Russians. "Your 58-pounder gun," said the bearer, "is a beautiful gun, but we think we have one as good. We should like to have a fair duel with her." The challenge was accepted, and everything arranged for 12 o'clock next day.

When the time came, all the batteries ceased firing. The British gun detachment mounted the parapet and took off their hats, saluting the Russians, who returned the compliment. The English gun was given the first shot, as the senior one; it struck the side of the Russian embrasure. Then the Russians fired - a very good shot, too. Several more shots were fired from both sides. At length, with the seventh British shot, the Russian gun was knocked clean over. The Russians mounted the parapet and took off their hats in acknowledgment of defeat. All the batteries on either side then opened fire again.




