
放棄、失望、七十年 - 古德明

放棄、失望、七十年 - 古德明

放棄、失望、七十年 - 古德明

問:以下兩句意思有分別嗎?(1)He did not want to give up his community。(2)He did not want to give up on his community。
答:一般而言,to give up是「放棄」或「停止(做某事)」,而to give up on是「對……失望」,例如:(1)He gave up his job(他放棄了工作)。(2)They gave up looking for survivors(他們停止搜尋幸存者)。(3)A teacher should not give up on his students(教師不應對學生灰心)。讀者示下的兩句,第一句應是說「他不想捨棄他所屬的社會」,第二句則應是說「他不甘對所屬的社會灰心」。
問:以下一句的is short enough是指the span of life還是threescore and ten?──The span of life vouchsafed us, threescore and ten, is short enough, if the spirit gets too haughty and wants to live forever。
答:謹先把句子翻譯如下:「人生在世有七十年,狂妄者求不死,會覺得太短。」句子的主要子句(main clause)是The span of life is short enough,其他的都是枝葉;is short enough指的當然是主詞(subject)the span of life。
至於vouchsafed us和threescore and ten,都可說是關係子句(relative clause)的縮略,全寫如下:The span of life(which is)vouchsafed us,(which is)threescore and ten, is short enough……這樣的縮略子句很常見,例如:(1)His name,(which is)Bill Bull, is not much known(他的名字是比爾.布爾,鮮為人知)。(2)The man(who was)arrested was his father(被捕者是他父親)。


